
Empowering therapists and healers to use their gifts and skill sets to cultivate an authentic business model, create greater impact, and live well.

I believe in living a multi-passionate, multifaceted life…and that also includes business.

As a clinically trained therapist by trade, I have expanded outside of the traditional box of what it means to be a therapist. I have cultivated a multifaceted career that has allowed me to open a successful group private practice and yoga studio, create courses, lead retreats, create an online membership, offer business coaching, create products, offer corporate wellness programming, and more!

I am a big believer that we can expand outside of the conventional identity of a therapist.

Shifting the paradigm of mental health is not just in the way we work with clients, but also in the way we view ourselves as business owners and CEOs.

You don’t have to change your role as a therapist in order to expand your offerings, perspectives, and business model in a way that is authentic and aligned with you.

if you are a therapist or healer who is ready to…

Create courses

Lead retreats

Offer corporate wellness

Create products

Offer consulting

Grow beyond your private practice

Expand outside the box of what it means to be a traditional therapist…

Working with me will be a huge asset, because I have lived these roles, and am passionate about sharing my expertise with those who wish to do the same! I love working with therapists and healers as a business coach, to help them utilize their gifts and skill sets to create greater impact AND income, all while prioritizing their self care and well being.


Individualized Business Mentorship and Coaching

For the therapist ready to embrace a new identity as ABUNDANT, MULTI PASSIONATE AND CEO…

For the Therapist + Healer  ready to think outside the box and curate a business model authentic to their unique mission...

For the Therapist + Healer Ready to embody what they teach and create lasting abundance and ease  while helping their community heal…

 Aligned and Guided: 1 on 1 is a business mentorship designed to help you fine tune your unique business ideas and offerings. In this unique mentorship, I will be walking with you on the journey of creating a life and business that truly feels like you: a life and business rooted in transformation that honors your unique gifts and does not keep in the traditional box of “Therapist”.

This is a unique mentorship for Therapists, Mental Health Professionals, and Healers who are ready to expand outside the box of “therapist”, “clinician”, or “mental health professional”  and create a life and business that honors their unique and authentic gifts. We will lay the foundation for a healing business that will help you rise as leaders in the mental health and healing space, can grow to 6 figures and beyond, create maximum impact in your community and support you throughout the seasons of your life.

This program includes:

2-50 MINUTE CALLS EACH MONTH - Direct mentorship and coaching on your specific needs for your brand and  business.

HUMAN DESIGN INTEGRATION - LeNaya curates your coaching experience specific to your unique Human Design.

A MEMBERSHIP TO THE HEALERS CIRCLE - For integration. Expanding your business not only requires coaching but also embodiment.

PRIVATE TELEGRAM CHAT- Support between sessions.

PORTAL- 24 hour access to all recordings, notes and resources 

Complete the interest form below to register your interest in working with Lenaya 1 on 1. Upon completing the form you’ll have the chance to schedule a free consultation call with LeNaya!

integrating all parts of you into your business