Happy New Year, Beautiful Souls! I hope you’ve been easing into 2024 with ease and grace.

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to set clear intentions.

Deeper than simply setting goals or resolutions, intention-setting is about getting clear on what we want to feel like, what we imagine for ourselves and our community, and what we will need to embody in order to see our intentions through.

This month, we will be focusing on the practices that help us find that clarity, so that we can really take the month of January to visualize and call in our intentions for the year. By understanding and honoring the importance of intention, we will be setting ourselves up for a year that is in alignment with our deepest desires, purpose, and calling.

Maybe you’ve already set your intentions for the new year? If so, comment below and let me know what you intend to feel, achieve, and embody in 2024!

I hope this is a year of expansion, alignment, ease, and joy for you and yours.

With love, LeNaya


The Power of Holistic Healing


holistic self care: tending to all layers of you.